Get Your Very Own Private-Label Vacation Rental Booking Engine
Finally, a way for travel advisors and industry professionals to book 100,000+ professionally-managed vacation rental properties.
What is GetRentalz?
Your Company Branded Vacation Rental Website
GetRentalz is a travel-tech product that provides travel advisors with a private-label booking solution to allowing you to offer clients a tremendous selection of professionally managed vacation rental properties.
With our solutions, travel advisors, travel management companies, and travel-related brands finally are able to earn lucrative commissions from the fastest-growing segment in travel - privately owned vacation rental properties.
By deploying a GetRentalz booking solution, you will finally have access to the elusive vacation homes, condos and villas.

Innovation-Driven Bookings
GetRentalz allows travel agents, industry professionals and affiliate marketers to provide their clients with access to a tremendous selection of professionally managed short-term rental properties.
Your customers will receive a consistently better booking experience as 100% of the properties are managed by a local rental company. Plus, your clients will pay around 10-20% less than popular national booking sites. Our solutions range from earning passive income with affiliate links to full private-labeled booking solutions.
At a Glance
